Champola de Mamoncillo

Where my Caribbeans at?

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

This fruit goes by many names: mamoncillo, mamon, guinep, quenepa, Spanish lime, etc.

The name may change depending on where you are, but one thing that doesn’t change is how delicious it is. Mamoncillos are in the lychee family, but the taste does not compare. I do not like lychee. I love mamoncillos.

If you have never heard of this fruit, that’s OK. I’ve grown up with it all my life. It’s one of the perks of being Cuban. This is the season for them, but I never see them around where I live. Fortunately my best friend, Frank, lives in Miami & brought me some recently.

How do you eat this fruit?

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

You crack the skin open with your nails or teeth & reveal the fruit inside.

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

Sometimes you get twins!

Then you pop it in your mouth & eat the pulpy fruit around the pit.

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

This is what’s left when you’re all done. There’s not a lot of fruit to one mamoncillo. But you’d never eat just one!

WARNING: these little guys will stain your clothes. Handle with care!

Instead of just eating all of the mamoncillos, I made this:

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

I might have lost some of you guys right off the bat with the word ‘champola’ in the title.

What is champola? The closest word I can think to describe it is ‘refreshment’. This champola, like most other recipes I’ve seen online, is really easy: water, sugar, & mamoncillos.

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

I peeled like 1 & 1/2 bags of mamoncillos & put them in a large mason jar (the ones left over from my wedding centerpieces).

I then filled the jar with water & about 1/2 cup of sugar.

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

Then you just leave it in the fridge overnight before serving!

Champola de Mamoncillo - Mrs. Dessert Monster

Mmm! You get a delicious beverage AND get to eat the mamoncillos when you’re done!

I love summer!

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